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Day Twenty-two

You are wonderfully and fearfully made!

30 Days of Encouragement - Day Twenty-two

by Gail Bowman

You are wonderfully and fearfully made! God has designed us in these incredible bodies to be wonders of his creation. However, the Earth is an imperfect place to live. There are germs and sicknesses all around us. Thank God for giving us antibiotics, right? How­ever, antibiotics can play havoc with the bodies God has made too.

We have biotics in our bodies that are sup-posed to keep our bodies functioning prop­erly. When we take anti-biotics, they kill the bad biotics that are attacking our systems, but they also kill the good biotics that God put into our bodies to keep them running properly, causing digestive problems, irrit-able bowels, yeast infections, and even skin diseases. Taking a really good probiotic can fix an amazing va­riety of illnesses. It is such a simple fix that people don’t even think to try it.

Psalm 139:13-15
For you formed my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to you, for I am fearfully and wonder­fully made.