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Perfect Weight America Exercises

In Perfect Weight America Jordan Rubin presents Fuctional Interval Training (FIT) as the best way to improve your metabolic rate and work your core muscles that help you maintain your balance, breath and digest.

FIT works the body´s "core" muscles with "functional" exercises long on exertion and short on duration. If you will give twenty minutes of concentrated, huff-and-puff exercise, you will benefit from huge caloric expenditures and continue to burn fat long after you have finished exercising. You can't lose weight, or at least sustain any weight loss, without stoking the body´s furnace to burn up reserves of fat. When you complete a series of FIT exercises, you increase your oxygen intake as well as your heart and lung capacity so that your body turns into a fat-burning engine that incinerates fat cells long after you've stopped working out. You do this by building muscle, or restoring muscle that´s been lost over the years, through functional, anaerobic (building) exercises.

If you can not stand the idea of a gym or waving dumbells around than find something that you do like to do. Exercise with a friend or spouse, it is a great time to talk, catch up and have a good laugh. Some malls even allow folks to come in early or late just to get in their walking exercise where it is climate controlled and safe.The important thing is to get moving.

Exercise for Your Perfect Weight

  1. Anaerobic exercise increases the percentage of calories and fat burned as compared to the percentage of carbohydrates burned.
  2. you can´t lose weight without stoking the body´s furnace to burn up reserves of fat.
  3. 20 minutes of concentrated exercise and you will benefit from huge caloric expenditures and continue to burn fat long after you have finished.
  4. Your Perfect Weight Program will be enhanced by simple excerise, such as:
    • Walking
    • Dancing
    • Bicycling
    • Racquetball
    • Golfing
    • Tennis
    • Ice-skating
    • Snowboarding
    • Basketball
    • Gardening
    • Hiking on level terrain
    • Snow skiing
    • Volleyball
    • Water skiing
    • Softball
    • Table tennis

† Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, but rather are dietary supplements intended solely for nutritional use.