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Health and Wellness Books

Retail Price $28.00
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Your Price  $22.40
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"Dr. Perlmutter's book is among those rare and exciting exceptions: information so empowering, so enlightening, and presented so clearly and concisely that the reader emerges far better off for the reading experience. Put this book on your short list of must-reads for health and nutrition."—William Davis, MD, author of Wheat Belly
Your Price  $8.95
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Gail Bowman's hilarious tales of life, love, raising goats, raising children, and raising Cain in the country. Life is just funny! Country Tales
Retail Price $28.00
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Renowned neurologist David Perlmutter, MD, blows the lid off a topic that's been buried in medical literature for far too long: carbs are destroying your brain. And not just unhealthy carbs, but even healthy ones like whole grains can cause dementia, ADHD, anxiety, chronic headaches, depression, and much more.
Your Price  $12.99
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Omega-3 Fats The Real Truth- Do you have questions about Omega-3 fats and supplements? Discover the answers with Gail Bowman as she examines important questions using current research and careful investigation.
Your Price  $21.95
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Patient Heal Thyself by Jordan Rubin is a remarkable health program combining ancient wisdom with groundbreaking clinical research! Jordan Rubin
Your Price  $8.95
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Raising Meat Goats for Profit is a guide about goat husbandry, Boer goats and meat goats. Includes current health and disease information.
Your Price  $18.99
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Jordan Rubin's original book, (from 2004-2005) The Maker's Diet! The 40 day diet program to reach your ideal weight, boost your immune system and feel your best!

John 20:15 
The Gardner
The Gardner